These is really helpfull and mystery for most of the intermediate and noob users.
But i will teach you that how can you accomplish it in a easy manner.
First of all you should have some knowledge about IP ADRESSING SCHEME and there
subnets according to Ip class.
For a Fast tutorial on Ip address :
Ip address are devided into two categories (General case)
Private ip address (Like 10.X.X.X , 172.16.X.X , 192.168.X.X ) whom we can use plemty of times in diff. organisations. Private ip addresses saves Precious Ip addresses.
Public Ip address (Every ip from 1.X.X.X to except private ip add. range)
These are the real and unique Ip addresses which cant be used 2nd time. Means Every ip address is unique.
Now from above tut. you came to knew that if we are implimenting
Ip add. scheme in our Private use then we have to choose PRIVATE IP RANGE. ^-^
Now Come to the topic Lets suppose we have a broadband connection
On our desktop P.C. And we have 1 or 2 - 3 more computers in our home or our SOHO (Small office Home Office) and we are planning to share that broadbanmd connection among other p.c. so that we can save our cost and Time. It might be daunting task for most of the
users. But not now....
First of all there should be a Local Network in your Braodband connection P.C. and other p.c.'s so that they can Communicate . (It could be Wireless LAN too )
Now Download and Install CCPROXY (offcourse there are other softwares too but ccproxy is good and easy to use)
Click Here For Free !!!
Now just install it and youdont have to alter anything in settings, but if you want to make it start automatically then you can tick "AUTO START" it from options.
After this installation. Ip address of this P.C. shall transformed into a proxy server (Private ip address of you LAN card not the ip address given by your ISP)
Default proxy port in ccproxy is 808 , you can change it to any port but my suggestion is Do not alter anything.
Now come to the client computers and give them an Ip address of same class (i.e. If you chose 10 class in Main pc. then use next ip of same class on this comp. or vice versa acc. to 172 and 192 class.)
My suggestion is use as Main p.c. Ip address . as 2nd pc. then so on . Subnet for this class is . If you follow this ip's then your Proxy server would be ""
Remember in a given Lan you can alter only Host portion of ip address
like 1 to 255 in last portion of to
Do not chnage 168 or 100 , else your network wont communicate
One More important thing that you should give in all client computers is "DEFAULT GATEWAY" and default gateway is Ip address on Main (Broadband connection pc same ip which is a proxy server)
To Give Ip address On Client computers Goto PROPERTIES of MY NETWORK PLACES and right Click on your LAN CARD and choose its properties >>
A new Window will open , here Goto Networking Tab and Double click on
TCP/IP . Here you can give the ip address as well default gatewy.
Now rest of the process is just like Airtel GPRS, Give proxy address and port no. in your Browser , messenger and enjoy high speed internet
Troubleshooting: If any problem occures then First of all
Give a ping to Default gateway (Main p.c. or proxy server ). so that you can confirm about connectivity of LAN.
Click Here For Free !!!
Reply me if you have any doubt or you want some more clarification.
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